On the institutionnal site (29 results)

Pierre Renaud

…position at Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, France (LIRMM) 2000 – 2003 Ph.D. student at LaRAMA – LASMEA, Clermont-Ferrand, France. PhD thesis: “Towards vision-based kinematic calibration…

Franco-German sandwich course in Mechatronics

…constraints such as energy efficiency and computer network security. Franco-German context This course takes place in a Franco-German context: Franco-German environment in the company (customers, suppliers, documentation, etc.) some technical…

The INSA architect

…both the INSA Strasbourg Diploma in Architecture and the INSA Strasbourg Diploma in Engineering, which are awarded after 7 years of higher education. Architecture studies in France In France architecture…


DeutschINSA is INSA Strasbourg’s Franco-German program. It enables French and German-speaking high school graduates to follow a series of bilingual and bicultural courses leading to qualification as an engineer. The…

European credit transfer system (ECTS)

…other universities abroad. The marking system in France is from to 20.   ECTS F (not validated) E D C B A France 0-9 10 11 12-13 14-15 16-20 Marks…

10 good reasons to come to INSA Strasbourg

…degree programs, accredited in accordance with the EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines. 2. A unique opportunity to experience French and European culture With Germany just a tram stop away from…


Thématique : Annual Report

…Study in France, in french or in english 9 broad disciplinary fields INSA international tracks Cutting-edge research An INSA degree, a gateway to a successful career Welcome to France, welcome…

INSA Group

…Loire, Hauts-de-France, Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg, Toulouse), an International INSA (INSA Euro-Méditerranée) and 6 partner schools. They make up the largest network of engineering schools in France and every year…


France and abroad to bring together architectural research, the human and social sciences, visual arts and engineering sciences to get a more accurate grasp of metropolitan and territorial issues, in…

Improve your french

All the courses are mainly in French. INSA, in conjunction with the Alliance Française in Strasbourg, offers to non-French speaking exchange and double degree students the chance to follow a…

On the blogs (0 results)