On the institutionnal site (76 results)

Pierre Renaud

…position at Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, France (LIRMM) 2000 – 2003 Ph.D. student at LaRAMA – LASMEA, Clermont-Ferrand, France. PhD thesis: “Towards vision-based kinematic calibration…

HRS4R process: Human Resources Strategy For Reseachers

…and researcher-friendly working environment for its research community. INSA commitment documents (from 2020 to 2022) Commitment letter European Commission Response Action plan Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment Action plan on…

Electrical engineering sandwich course

…and test engineer process improvement engineer quality engineer contract manager and sales engineer Contact Damien Flieller, head of the specialization Françoise Bischoff, secretary of the specialization This course is organized…


…code de la propriété intellectuelle). Contact technique Les problèmes d’ordre technique peuvent être signalés auprès de service.communication@insa-strasbourg.fr et de contact@jojaba.fr. Nous vous remercions, lorsque vous signalez un dysfonctionnement, de fournir…

Continuing education

…your need to develop skills. recruit a student engineer the partnership engineering training scheme (FIP) FIP mechanical engineering FIP HVAC and energy engineering FIP electrical engineering Franco-German sandwich course in…


Thématique : Annual Report

…Study in France, in french or in english 9 broad disciplinary fields INSA international tracks Cutting-edge research An INSA degree, a gateway to a successful career Welcome to France, welcome…

Civil engineering

…Strasbourg diplomas, civil engineering and architecture (7-year course). Professional training contract Civil engineering students who have passed Year 4, completed their period abroad and passed the TOEIC exam to the…

Surveying engineering

laboratories in collaboration with the professional environment. Professional training contract Surveying engineering students who have passed Year 4, completed their period abroad and passed the TOEIC exam to the required…


…80 people, two thirds of whom are professionals from outside the school. The highpoint of the course comes at the end when all the students at the INSA Strasbourg School…

Franco-German sandwich course in Mechatronics

…constraints such as energy efficiency and computer network security. Franco-German context This course takes place in a Franco-German context: Franco-German environment in the company (customers, suppliers, documentation, etc.) some technical…

On the blogs (0 results)