On the institutionnal site (50 results)

Electrical engineering sandwich course

…and test engineer process improvement engineer quality engineer contract manager and sales engineer Contact Damien Flieller, head of the specialization Françoise Bischoff, secretary of the specialization This course is organized…


…on the distribution of research credits. It is consulted when there are vacancies or needs for teacher-researcher posts. In restricted formation (teacher-researchers only), it examines individual matters relating to teacher-researchers’…

Mechanical engineering

…average time taken to find a job is around 1 month. Contacts Sébastien Poli, head of the mechanical engineering specialization Odile Wolff, secretary of the mechanical engineering department 03 88…

10 good reasons to come to INSA Strasbourg

By coming to INSA Strasbourg, you be will joining some 2 000 students studying 7 engineering specialties (mechanical engineering, plastics engineering, mechatronics, civil engineering, surveying engineering, HVAC and energy engineering,…

Catering services

There are many places to eat around the INSA Strasbourg site. Restaurants universitaires (student cafeterias) Restaurant universitaire de l’Esplanade 100 metres from INSA Strasbourg 32 boulevard de la Victoire More…

International partners

…Technik; Wirtschaft und Kultur HTWK München : Technische Universität München Nordhausen : Fachhochschule Nordhausen Offenburg : Hochschule Offenburg Paderborn : Universität Paderborn Greece Thessaloniki : Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Athens…


…code de la propriété intellectuelle). Contact technique Les problèmes d’ordre technique peuvent être signalés auprès de service.communication@insa-strasbourg.fr et de contact@jojaba.fr. Nous vous remercions, lorsque vous signalez un dysfonctionnement, de fournir…

Surveying engineering

…more information see the INSA Strasbourg surveying engineering blog. contacts Gilbert Ferhat, head of the surveying engineering specialization Anne-Gaëlle Albert, secretary of the civil engineering – surveying engineering department office…

Master's in Materials Science and Engineering

Engineering is available on the French version of the INSA website. The degree is awarded jointly with the Physics and Engineering Department of the University of Strasbourg. Courses are taught…

INSA Strasbourg

engineering and architecture under the control of the Ministry in charge of Higher Education and Research, its engineering courses are accredited by the engineering qualifications accreditation committee (CTI) while the…

On the blogs (0 results)