The ICube laboratory accommodates all the Strasbourg site’s research resources in the fields of information sciences and engineering sciences. A community of interests has thus been formed, allowing for ambitious projects that cut across several disciplines: information technology, robotics, biophysics, microelectronics, photonics, mechanics, image processing. The imaging theme features in the work of several of the 14 teams that make up the laboratory.
ICube is the result of a merger between 4 research laboratories associated with the CNRS: the LSIIT UMR 7005, specializing in computer science, image processing, robotics and remote sensing, the InESS UMR 7163, specializing in microelectronics and photonics, the IMFS FRE 3240, specializing in biomechanics and reactive fluid mechanics, and the In Vivo Imaging team at the LINC UMR 7237, specializing in biophysics. The laboratory has almost 230 permanent staff, including approximately 200 researchers, teacher-researchers and research engineers. The ICube laboratory’s main areas of application are health and the environment.
ICUBE depends on several different institutions: the University of Strasbourg, the CNRS (INSIS and INS2I institutes), the ENGEES (National School for Water and Environmental Engineering in Strasbourg) and INSA Strasbourg.
9 teams have members who are teacher-researchers at INSA Strasbourg
- Data science and knowledge
- Control, vision and robotics
- Remote sensing, radiometry and optical imaging
- Materials for information technology, sensing and energy conversion
- Electronics, microelectronics and modeling for multidomain systemes
- Photonics instrumentation and processes
- Fluid mechanics
- Civil engineering and energetics
- Design, Information system and inventive processes
Director : Michel de Mathelin :
The ICube laboratory’s publications are posted on the ICube platform.