Remote sensing, radiometry and optical imaging
The INSA teacher-researchers form a group whose research fields are architectural photogrammetry and geomatics (PAGE). A page presenting some of the PAGE group’s projects can be found on the INSA Strasbourg research blog.
The publications are posted on the ICube platform.
International collaboration
- University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
- University of Wageningen (Netherlands)
- ALTERRA (Wageningen Environmental Research): co-publication
- NLR (National Aerospace Laboratory, Netherlands): co-publication
- Delft University of Technology (Netherlands): co-publication
- ITC (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Netherlands) co-publication
- University of Valencia (Spain): co-publication
- University of Freiburg (Germany)
- University of Karlsruhe (Germany): co-publication
- University of Basel (Switzerland)
- University of Innsbruck (Austria): co-publication
- University of Thessaloniki (Greece): co-publication
- Umeå University (Sweden): co-publication
There are co-publications with the following international partners:
- Institut of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
- Beijing Normal University, China
- Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning
- National Central University, Taiwan Institute for Remote Sensing Applications (IRSA)
- CARTEL laboratory, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
- Institute for Computational Earth System Sciences (ICESS) – University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
- Academy of Opto-electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Cold and Arid Regions Environment Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI), China
- University of Montreal, GRCAO (Computer Aided Design Research Group).
Team members (in French)