Herve Pelletier
Professeur des universités
Tél : +33(0) 3 88 14 47 63
Activités pédagogiques
Directeur du département mécanique depuis septembre 2013.
- Construction mécanique – dimensionnement liaisons mécaniques
- Mécanique générale – résistance des matériaux
- Sciences des matériaux et métallurgie
- Ingénierie des surfaces – tribologie – lubrification
Activités de recherche
Institut Charles Sadron UPR 22 CNRS
Équipe Physique – mécanique et tribologie des polymères (PMTP)
- Essais mécaniques macroscopiques (traction, compression, flexion, …) et modélisations numériques dédiées
- Essais d’indentation instrumentée et modélisations numériques dédiées
- Essais de rayure instrumentée et modélisations numériques dédiées
- Essais de fluage et relxtion en indentation et modélisations numériques dédiées
- Fabrication additive de structures hybrides composite
- Revêtement bioactif de type phosphate de calcium (HAP) par voie électrolytique
Lauréat du concours OSEO de création d’entreprises Innovantes 2012 (catégorie Emergence), aide à la création d’entreprises de technologie Innovantes du ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche en partenariat avec OSEO : Industrialisation et commercialisation du procédé électrolytique de revêtements biocéramiques d’implants prothétiques.
Lauréat du concours BPI France Projet « Création-Développement » 2013, aide à la création d’entreprises de technologie Innovantes du ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche en partenariat avec BPI France : Industrialisation et commercialisation du procédé électrolytique de revêtements biocéramiques d’implants prothétiques.
- PELLETIER, V. LE HOUEROU, C. GAUTHIER, S. SCHIRRER, « Scratch experiments and finite element simulation : friction and non linearity effects», In POLYMER TRIBOLOGY, CHAPTER 4, edited by Sujeet K Sinha & Brian J Briscoe, ISBN 978-1-84816-202-0.
- CARRADO, H. PELLETIER, T. ROLAND, « Nanocrystalline Thin Ceramic Films Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Magnetron Sputtering on Metal Substrates for Medical Applications », Biomedical Engineering / Book 4″, ISBN 979-953-307-028-4.
A1 – H. PELLETIER, P. MILLE, A. CORNET, J.J. GROB, J.P. STOQUERT, D. MULLER, Effects of high energy nitrogen implantation on stainless steel microstructure, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B 148 (1999) 824-829.
A2 – H. PELLETIER, J. KRIER, P. MILLE, A. CORNET, Limits of using bilinear stress-strain curve for finite element modeling of nanoindentation response on bulk materials, Thin Solid Films, 379 (2000) 147-155.
A3 – V. NELEA, C. Risotu, C. Chiritescu, C. Chica, I.N. Mihailescu, H. Pelletier, P. Mille, A. Cornet, Pulsed Laser deposition of hydroxyapatite thin films on Ti-5Al-2.5Fe substrates with and without buffer layer, Applied Surface Science, 168 (2000) 127-131.
A4 – E. Gyorgi, V. Neleal, I.N. Mihailescu, A. Perrone, H. Pelletier, A. Cornet, S. Ganatsios, J. Werkmann, Correlation between hardness and structure of carbon-nitride thin films obtained by reactive pulsed laser deposition, Thin Solid Films, 388 (2001) 93-100.
A5 – H. PELLETIER, P. MILLE, A. CORNET, J.J. GROB, J.P. STOQUERT, D. MULLER, Correlation between distribution of nitrogen atoms implanted at high energy and high dose and nanohardness measurements into 316L stainless steel, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B 178 issue 1-4 (2001) 319-322.
A6 – H. PELLETIER, D. MULLER, P. MILLE, A. CORNET, J.J. GROB, Dose effect on mechanical properties of high energy implanted 316L stainless steel, Surface Coating Technology, Vol. 151-152 (2002) 377-382
A7 – H. PELLETIER, D. MULLER, P. MILLE, A. CORNET, J.J. GROB, Effect of high energy implantation on TAFe titanium alloy, Surface Coating Technology, Vol. 151-152 (2002) 42-46
A8 – J.C. ARNAULT, M. ZAMFIRESCU, H. PELLETIER, A. MOSSER, Elastic recovery measurements performed by AFM and standard nanoindentation on a Co(11.0) monocrystal. Journal of Material Research, Vol. 17, No 6 (2002) 1258-1265.
A10 – L. DUBOURG, H. PELLETIER, D. VAISSIERE, F. HLAWKA, A. CORNET, Mechanical characterisation of aluminium – copper laser surface alloying, Wear, Vol. 253, No 9-10 (2002) 1077 – 1085.
A11 – V. Nelea, H. Pelletier, D. MUller, N. Broll, P. Mille, C. Ristoscu and I. N. Mihailescu, Mechanical properties improvement of pulsed laser-deposited hydroxyapatite thin films by high energy ion-beam implantation, Applied Surface Science, 186 N 1-4 (2002) 483-489.
A12 – NELEA V., PELLETIER H., ILIESCU M., WERCKMANN J., CRACIUN V., MIHAILESCU I. N., RISTOSCU C., GHICA C., Calcium phosphate thin film processing by pulsed laser deposition and in situ assisted ultraviolet pulsed laser deposition, Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine, Vol. 13, No 12 (2002) 1167-1173.
A13 – PELLETIER H., MULLER D., MILLE P., GROB J. J., Effect of high energy argon implantation into NiTi shape memory alloy, Surface Coating Technology, Vol.158-59 (2002) 301 – 308.
A14 – PELLETIER H., MULLER D. , MILLE P. , GROB J. J., Structural and mechanical characterization of boron and nitrogen implanted NiTi shape memory alloy, Surface Coating Technology, Vol. 158-159 (2002) 309 – 317.
A15 – V. NELEA, V. CRACIUN, I. Iliescu, I.N. Mihailescu, H. Pelletier, P. Mille, J. Werckmann, Growth of calcium phosphate thin films by in-situ assisted pulsed laser deposition, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 208-209 (2003) 638-644.
A16 – PELLETIER H., NELEA V., MILLE P., MULLER D., Determination of mechanical properties of pulsed laser-deposited hydroxyapatite thin film implanted at high energy with N+ and Ar+ ions, using nanoindentation, Journal of materials science, Vol. 39 , No 11 (2004) 3605 – 3611.
A17 – PELLETIER H., NELEA V., MILLE P., MULLER D., Nano-scratch study of pulsed laser-deposited hydroxyapatite thin films implanted at high energy with N+ and Ar+ ions, Journal of materials science, Vol. 39, No 13 (2004) 4185-4192.
A18 – PELLETIER H., NELEA V., MILLE P., MULLER D., Mechanical properties of pulsed laser-deposited hydroxyapatite thin film implanted at high energy with N+ and Ar+ ions. Part I: nanoindentation with spherical tipped indenter, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, Vol. 216 (2004) 269-274.
A19 – PELLETIER H., NELEA V., MILLE P., MULLER D., Mechanical properties of pulsed laser-deposited hydroxyapatite thin films implanted at high energy with N+ and Ar+ ions. Part II: nano-scratch tests with spherical tipped indenter, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, Vol. 216 (2004) 275-280.
A20 – NELEA V. , PELLETIER H. , MILLE P. , MULLER D., High-energy ion beam implantation of hydroxyapatite thin films grown on TiN and ZrO2 inter-layers by pulsed laser deposition, Thin solid films, Vol. 453-454 (2004) 208-214.
A21 – G. HECK, A. RICHE, J. BARDON, H. PELLETIER, Analysis of the ductile/brittle transition during a scratch test performed into polymeric film deposited on PMMA substrate, Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, Vol. 96 N°11 (2005) 1278-1286.
A23 – F. BERNARDO, A. RICHE, J. BARDON, H. PELLETIER, Viscoplastic properties of coating-polymer systems. Comparison between quasi-static, dynamic depth sensing indentation measurements and instrumented scratch testing in order to characterize the wear and mar resistance, Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, Vol. 96 N°11 (2005) 1256 – 1261.
A24 – H. PELLETIER, Predictive model to estimate the stress-strain curve of bulk metals using nanoindentation test, Tribology International, 39 (2006) 593-606.
A25 – H. PELLETIER, J. KRIER, P. MILLE, Characterization of mechanical properties of thin films using nanoindentation test, Mechanics of Materials, 38 (2006) 1182-1199.
A26 – H. PELLETIER, A.-L. DURIER, C. GAUTHIER, S. SCHIRRER, Finite element analysis of the viscoelastic and elastic-plastic behaviour of amorphous polymeric surfaces during sliding indentation, Tribology International, Vol. 41 (11) (2008) 975-984.
A27 – H. PELLETIER, C. GAUTHIER, S. SCHIRRER, Experimental and finite element analysis of scratches on amorphous polymeric surfaces, Proc. IMechE, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol 222 (2008) 221 – 230.
A28 – H. PELLETIER, C. MENDIBIDE, A. RICHE, Mechanical characterization of polymeric films using depth sensing instrument: correlation between visco-elasto-plastic properties and scratch resistance, Progress in Organic Coatings 62 (2008) 162-178.
A29 – Carradò A., Pelletier H., Sima F., Ristoscu C., Fabre A., Barrallier L., Mihailescu I. N., A perspective of pulsed laser deposition (PLD) in surface engineering alumina coatings and substrates, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 384 (2008) 185-212.
A30 – PELLETIER H., GAUTHIER C. SCHIRRER S., Strain and stress fields during scratch tests on amorphous polymers: influence of the local friction, Tribology Letters, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2008) 109-116.
A31 – PELLETIER H GAUTHIER C. SCHIRRER S., Experimental measurement and numerical simulation of the plastic strain during indentation and scratch tests on polymeric surfaces, Journal of Materials Research, Focus Issue on Indentation Methods in Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 24, No. 3 (2009) 1184 – 1196.
A32 – PELLETIER H., GAUTHIER C. SCHIRRER S., Friction effect on contact pressure during indentation and scratch into amorphous polymers, Materials Letters, Vol. 63, Issue 20 (2009) 1671-1673.
A33 – PELLETIER H., GAUTHIER C. SCHIRRER S., Influence of the friction coefficient on the contact geometry during scratch onto amorphous polymers, Wear, Volume 268, Issues 9-10, 25 March 2010, Pages 1157-1169.
A34 – PELLETIER H., GAUTHIER C. SCHIRRER S., Relationship between contact geometry and average plastic strain during scratch tests on amorphous polymers, Tribology International, Volume 43, Issue 4, April 2010, Pages 796-809.
A35 – PELLETIER H., GAUTHIER C. SCHIRRER S., Wear Simulation of Polymer Using Multiscratch Test Procedure, Tribology Letters, Volume 37, Number 3 / mars 2010, pp. 507 – 515.
A36 – J. Breuils, H. Pelletier, J. Krier, V. Vignal, Determination of elastoplastic properties of TiO2 thin films deposited on dual phase stainless steel using nanoindentation tests, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 204, Issues 12-13, 15 March 2010, Pages 2068-2072.
A37 – E.A. dos Santos, M.S. Moldovan, L. Jacomine, M. Mateescu, J. Werckmann, K. Anselme, P. Mille, H. Pelletier, Oriented hydroxyapatite single crystals produced by the electrodeposition method, Materials Science and Engineering: B, Volume 169, Issues 1-3, 25 May 2010, Pages 138-144.
A38 – M. Alchikh, C. Fond, Y. Frère, H. Pelletier, Mechanochemical degradation of poly(vinyl fluoride) by sodium hydroxide measured by microindentation, Journal of Material Science, Volume 45, Number 9 / mai 2010, pp. 2311-2316.
A39 – Janus J.; Fauxpoint G.; Arntz Y.; Pelletier H.; Etienne O., Surface roughness and morphology of three nanocomposites after two different polishing treatments by a multitechnique approach, Dental Materials, 26 (2010) pp. 416-425.
A40 – A. Carradò, H. Pelletier, J. Faerber, G. Versini, I. N. Mihailescu, Pulsed laser deposition of thin coatings: applications on biomaterials, Materials Science Forum Vols. 638-642 (2010) pp 530-535.
A41 – M. SOLAR, H. MEYER, C. GAUTHIER, O. BENZERARA, H. PELLETIER, R. SCHIRRER and J. BASCHNAGEL, Molecular dynamics simulations as a way to investigate local physics of contact mechanics: comparison between experimental data and numerical results, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, N°45 (2010) 455406 (11 pages).
A42 – H. Pelletier, A. Carradò, J. Faerber, I. N. Mihailescu, Microstructure and mechanical characteristics of hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti/TiN/Si substrates synthesized by pulsed laser deposition, Applied Physics A, Materials Science and Processing, 102 (3)(2011) 629-640.
A43 – M.C Baietto, J. Rannou, A. Gravouil, H. Pelletier, C. Gauthier, R. Schirrer, 3D crack network analysis during a scratch test of a polymer: a combined experimental and multigrid X-FEM based numerical approach, Tribology International, Volume 44, Issue 11, October 2011, Pages 1320-1328.
A44 – T. CHATEL, C. GAUTHIER, H. PELLETIER, V. LEHOUEROU, D. FAVIER, R. SCHIRRER, Creep of the contact with a spherical tip and recovery of the imprint of amorphous polymer surfaces, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 N°37 (2011) 375403 (10 pages).
A45 – H. Pelletier, T. Roland, C. Gauthier, Multi-scale mechanical analysis of thin titanium layer on PEEK and UHMWPE substrates for biomedical applications, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 10 (2011) 2839-2844.
A46 – H. Pelletier, J. Krier, C. Gauthier, Influence of local friction coefficient and strain hardening on the scratch resistance of polymeric surfaces investigated by finite element modeling, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 10 (2011) 1772 – 1778.
A47 – J. BREUILS, J. KRIER, H. PELLETIER, P. MILLE, Identification using nanoindentation tests of mechanical behaviour of a C22 steel presenting a residual stress state, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 10 (2011) 3528 – 3533.
A48 – T. Chatel, H. Pelletier, V. Le Houérou, C. Gauthier, D. Favier, R. Schirrer, Original in situ observations of creep during indentation and recovery of the residual imprint on amorphous polymer, Journal of Materials Research 27 (2012) (1) , pp. 12-19
A49 – J. Krier, J. Breuils, L. Jacomine, H. Pelletier, Introduction of the real tip defect of Berkovich indenter to reproduce with FEM nanoindentation test at shallow penetration depth, Journal of Materials Research, Focus Issue on Instrumented Indentation, (2012) 27 01 p. 28 – 38.
A50 – E. A. dos SANTOS, S. MOLDOVAN, M. MATEESCU, J. FAERBER, M. ACOSTA, H. PELLETIER, K. ANSELME, J. WERCKMANN, Physical–chemical and biological behavior of an amorphous calcium phosphate thin film produced by RF-magnetron sputtering, Materials Science and Engineering: C, (2012), 32, 7, p. 2086-2095
A51 – T. CHATEL, V. Le HOUEROU, H. PELLETIER, C. GAUTHIER, Numerical analysis of the creep of the contact and recovery of the imprint on amourphous polymer surfaces, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials (2013) 17, 4, pp. 581-595
A52 – T. ROLAND, H. PELLETIER, J. KRIER, Scratch Resistance and electrochemical corrosion behaviour of hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti6Al4V in simulated physiological media, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, (2013) 43, 1 p. 53-63.
A53 – Y.P. CHARLES, H. PELLETIER, P. HYDIER, S. SCHULLER, J. GARNON, E.A. SAULEAU, J.-P. STEIB, P. CLAVERT, “Pullout characteristics of percutaneous pedicle screws with different augmentation methods in elderly spines: An in vitrobiomechanical study “ Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, Vol. 101, Issue 3 (2015) p. 369-374.